It's Not Too Late, Get Organized This Year!

Staying home, working from home and downsizing seems to be the new normal this past few months. What a great time to get organized! Let's face it, nothing makes a home more welcoming than a clean, well-organized one, and nothing makes your soul feel better, too, when there is no clutter-chaos.

First of all, it's sometimes hard to know where to begin. Don't set unreasonable goals, as the stress can be overwhelming. Clutter didn't happen overnight, so achieving an organized home won't happen overnight, either. We suggest one room at a time. Here are a few of our suggestions to help you get started on your road to decluttering and organization this Spring:

Make A Plan

Choose a room or space to tackle - this can be your smallest or largest room. Gather your bins or boxes and label them: Keep, Store, Donate, and Trash (no bin needed for this one, a trash bag will do).

Sort Your Stuff

It's time to start sorting. Those dust-collecting knickknacks, tacky trinkets, and books you may never read and those well-loved sweaters may make someone else happy. Decide if the items serve a purpose or will they better serve others.



It is more important than ever to step up for those in need. What you truly no longer need could be life-changing to others. Clothing, bedding, videos/CDs, you name it, could be a Godsend to so many struggling families. Consider donating to your local Salvation Army, Goodwill, or church. You can also explore A-1 Self Storage charity options here. You will be making a difference and it's good for your heart, too!


This bin should hold the items that bring you joy. These will be the items that you cannot part with. Clean them, polish them up, and use them, as they will have a purpose in your home again.


Storage is a great option for the over-flow of "keepers". If you don't have the room/space at home, consider renting a storage unit for those items you can't part with; anything from holiday decorations to precious collections that must stay in the family. There are storage facilities that offer all sizes to fit your budget, and climate-controlled storage units are an option for books, photos, paintings and artwork. This is an easy process and will give you peace of mind knowing that your treasures will be safe and secure.


No explanation is needed here. Throw out those items that can't be kept, stored, or donated. Don't look back and trust yourself. You will feel lighter.


Everyone has their own organizational style. Remember, de-cluttering and re-organizing your space will be a process. You can do it. We hope these simple ideas will be helpful in your journey to a clutter-free home space.